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Remove paint and rust from ship hulls

A commonly used cleaning method for removing paint and rust is the combination of water and sand: water sandblasting.

In more and more countries sandblasting (with sand only) is prohibited or restricted by legislation. Water sandblasting is an efficient and accurate alternative. The tool is equipped with a high-pressure lance which is connected to an injector that provides the supply of sand to the water jet.

In generall, you need less sand when you use a higher water pressure. The latest generation injectors are suitable for a working pressure between 500 and 1000 bar. Water Sandblasting is (unlike sandblasting) dust-free.

Paint grids cleaning in the automotive industry
Cleaning the spray areas is a recurring daily problem for the automotive industry. For their factories in Turkey, Honda uses Kamat pumps. The cleaning with high pressure guns is carried out at a pressure 600 – 700 bar, using spray nozzles with an opening of 2 mm.


Paint grids before cleaning

During cleaning

After cleaning